Hoosier History Live is an independently produced new media project about Indiana history, integrating podcasts, website www.HoosierHistoryLive.org, weekly enewsletter, and social media. Its original content comes initially from a live with call in weekly talk radio show hosted by author and historian Nelson Price. You can hear the show live Saturdays from noon to 1 pm ET at WICR 88.7 fm or stream the show live at the WICR HD1 app on your phone, or at our website. |
April 06, 2024 Civic education: The need for a refresh
Do women make history at Hoosier History Live?
Corene Nickel is our webmaster and edits the enewsletter and website. Also, she is charged with developing our podcast project and increasing its distribution and usability by the less-than-technical. Not a small task. But as producer Molly Head says, "Sometimes you have no confidence in what you are doing. But then you look around and say, well maybe I AM the best person for the job. Or maybe someone I already know is the best person for a different type of job! Goodness knows that for years our independently produced media project has faced a lot of opposition. I think, in part, because we do things so well, and there is a certain amount of organizational jealousy around. But when you see that we are still going, well, you have to say, that IS an accomplishment!" To our knowledge, we are the only live with call-in talk radio show about a state's history. And we ARE looking to increase our distribution and visibility via podcasting and the internet. Yes, we really have been defying the odds! Absolutely we have some great men working on the Hoosier History Live media project. But for this article, we thought we’d highlight the women.
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